23 November, 2007

Opps, have we lost even more CDs?

I must be the last privacy campaigner on the planet to comment on the HMRC screw ups. Here are the basics25 million records along with names, address, DOB, partner details (if they have a partner that is) and Bank Info has gone missing (a junior official is being used as a scape goat while the people at the top get away with it. See, It’s not just the Met Office that keep the incompetent as senior levels).In August a laptop that contained sensitive financial details of about 400 people with ISAs was stolen after being left in a car (not sure if that was HMRC).In May HMRC posted details of the family tax credits of 42,000 families to other people after an apparent “printer error” (in other words a twit told the printer to do it wrong!).A CD-Rom that contained information on 15,000 Standard Life customers had been lost (a pension thing, I think).


Is this the end of the list? Probably not, yet for some reason they are still going ahead with the National Identification Register (the database behind ID cards), NHS database, child index……..Should we be worried? Hmmm, let me think on that one……..

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