23 December, 2007

More data goes missing

Been a while since I updated, so here are a few things.It seems that even more data the government wants us to trust them with has gone missing.So far these incompetent morons have managed to lose the details of 25 million people (along with bank info and other sensitive data including the identities of people on the witness protection scheme), the DVLA lost data after they sent it to the USA, The DVLA in NI lost data they were sending to the UK mainland and the list is getting longer all the time.
Here are some links to read up on each thing.‘Up to 3,000′ patient records on laptop stolen from GP surgery

NHS trusts lose patients` details of hundreds of thousands of adults and children http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7158019.stm
They still insist they can be trusted with our data and they still demand that they know everything about you and your family, yet the cant even look after the stuff they have already stolen from us. When will these pathetic people learn?